graphPAF - Estimating and Displaying Population Attributable Fractions
Estimation and display of various types of population attributable fraction and impact fractions. As well as the usual calculations of attributable fractions and impact fractions, functions are provided for attributable fraction nomograms and fan plots, continuous exposures, for pathway specific population attributable fractions, and for joint, average and sequential population attributable fractions.
Last updated 7 months ago
3.78 score 3 stars 6 scripts 299 downloadscorlink - Record Linkage, Incorporating Imputation for Missing Agreement Patterns, and Modeling Correlation Patterns Between Fields
A matrix of agreement patterns and counts for record pairs is the input for the procedure. An EM algorithm is used to impute plausible values for missing record pairs. A second EM algorithm, incorporating possible correlations between per-field agreement, is used to estimate posterior probabilities that each pair is a true match - i.e. constitutes the same individual.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.70 score 2 scripts 150 downloads